Heartfelt Thanks!

We want to give our most heartfelt and humble thanks to everyone who has responded to our call for items from our Hospice Wish List! The past few months have seen an extraordinary show of support from our community that we could not have anticipated. More than we could have expected, we received deliveries of pens, note pads, storage bags, body washes and skin lotions, face masks, and so much more!

What also touched our hearts was all of the amazing people who spent their own time and resources to knit and crochet the most beautiful full-size and lap-size blankets for the use of our patients. So evidently made with love, these connections of caring have been priceless. As a result of your generosity, we have enough to use for months
to come – a wonderful position for us to be in! We will let you know when blankets will be needed again.

You will notice that our Wish List is presently a lot shorter than it has been in the past. Thank you to everyone who stepped up to meet these needs! Hospice exists to support our community, but it couldn’t exist without the support of our community!

Thank you!

Our Wish List current needs consist of the following:

Pill Crushers

AA Batteries*

Stenographer Writing Pads (6” x 9”)

Yellow Highlighters

Wash basins (similar to dish pans)

Boppy Pillows (like those used for breastfeeding)

Travel Neck Pillows (horseshoe type)

No-Rinse Shampoo Caps (with Conditioner)

Cheap Kitty Litter (to dispose of old medications)*

Bed pad with Motion Sensor Alarm*

If you would like to assist our patients with a donation, items must be new, as we cannot accept used items. You can find our Amazon Wish List by clicking HERE!

******Items with an * are the most needed items at this time********

If you have any questions please call us at (315) 634-1100.

To read the full Fall Newsletter, please click HERE!

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