Anytime is the right time to call Hospice!

Hospice is care designed for patients with a life-limiting illness provided by Hospice professionals who are trained to assist patients in living their lives, fully, completely, and without pain until the end of their lives. To fully benefit from our expert care and services – unlike anything available in our community – we encourage inquiry sooner than later.

Hospice is part of a continuum of care. Our special kind of service creates a relationship that fosters trust, comfort, and guidance so that the patient becomes an active, informed participant in their end-of-life decisions. Hand in hand, we assist with creating advance directives, understanding difficult choices, and creating a pathway for the patient to experience the fullest possible reward with the time remaining. This active development of trust and understanding extends to patient family members, who play their own roles at this stage of care, to help them navigate, understand, and embrace the process of end-of-life care.

We are here and ready to help but can only step in based on available staff and timing. We want to serve everyone who needs us in the way the Hospice concept is designed. Nine out of 10 adults would prefer to be cared for at home rather than in a hospital or nursing home if diagnosed with a terminal illness. Addressing the whole range of physical and psychological needs of the patient and his or her family in an interdisciplinary way is what makes hospice care so special.

We are here to be consistent support. Don’t miss out on benefitting from this care by not calling sooner.

To read the complete Fall Newsletter, please click here.

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