A Tradition of Remembering

A Tradition of Remembering

This year, celebrate the memory of someone special. At Hospice, we have a long-standing tradition of remembering loved ones with our annual Tribute Lights Appeal. We invite you to participate by making a donation in memory of someone special.

Your gift will be recognized with a Tribute Light in Hospice’s Solace Garden during the 2021 Holiday Season, and will represent the shining memories of your loved one. A gift of $150 or more will provide a permanent tribute brick to be placed in our Solace Garden in the spring. Our beautiful Solace Garden is located at the Liverpool office and open to visitors all year long.

When you choose to remember your loved one with a gift to our Tribute Lights Appeal, you will receive a customized link to our YouTube Channel for a Virtual Celebration of Life Ceremony. This video will be available for viewing on December 1st at which time our Solace Garden will be lit for the Holiday Season. The Solace Garden will shine until the first of the coming year.

Your donation will do more than honor your loved one – it will mean the world to a family who needs and deserves our expertise and compassion – and to make it possible for our patients to have the opportunity to live with dignity and hope. We ask you to make a donation to help provide these essential services to over 1,500 families in our community.

We thank you for taking part in this tradition and remembering your loved one with a gift that brings hope to those who truly need it.

We ask you to join us in continuing our tradition of remembering loved ones by making a donation during this special season. To make an online donation, CLICK HERE.

Our thanks to O’Connell Electric for making our Solace Garden shine!

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